Luscombe Phantom 1 – N272Y

Donald A. Luscombe formed the Luscombe Aircraft Engineering Company in 1933 at Kansas City, Missouri. The Phantom or Model 1 was the first aircraft built by the company, and first flew in 1934. It was a high-wing braced monoplane with conventional fixed tail-wheel landing gear, and was powered by a nose-mounted 145 hp (108 kW) Warner Super Scarab radial engine. The fully enclosed engine cowling, with individual air vents for each cylnder, was unique for a radial engine aircraft. Apart from the fabric wing surfaces, the aircraft was all-metal, and had a luxury interior with two side-by-side seats in an enclosed cabin.

About This Subject: N272Y – 1934, Cream with red trim. Complete walk-around, close-ups, surface details, landing gear and cockpit.

Walk-Around Information
Number of Images: 36
Resolution: 1200 dpi
Download Type: .zip file
Download Size: 23 Megabytes